But be doers of
the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves (James 1:22).
you’ve ever been to London you know what this means: Mind the Gap.
phrase strikes me as uniquely British, probably because that’s the only place
I’ve ever seen or heard it. Our closest equivalent may be the far less
interesting ‘watch your step.’ Brits may be just as bored or unfazed by ‘mind
the gap.’ But there’s something about the way British people speak. It’s more
than the accent; it’s the distinctive turn of phrase that to someone like me is
perfectly intelligible yet entirely unfamiliar and strange.
family recently spent a few days in London. The underground rail system or
‘tube’ is where you are most likely to be told to mind the gap. A voice
announces it over a public address system. The words are painted on the
concrete platform. The ‘gap’ is the space between the train and the platform.
To ‘mind’ it simply means to pay attention.
ignore the gap can be dangerous. And what’s true of London’s underground is
true of your life.
The Big Idea
central message, or ‘big idea,’ of the book of James could perhaps be
summarized with the words ‘mind the gap.’ James sees how easily a gaps emerge
between things that are claimed and professed and things that are actually
lived and done. James has a pastoral heart, but he isn’t shy about being direct
and confrontational as he writes.
tells us to mind the gap between the way we treat those who are wealthy and well
dressed, and those who look shabby, smell bad, and own nothing (2:1-4).
tells us to mind the gap between the way we can use words to pray and praise
God on Sunday, and then curse in traffic on Monday (3:9-12).
tells us to mind the gap between the way we attend classes and listen to
teachers without ever allowing what we hear to change our lives (1:22-25).
tells us to mind the gap between our grand plans for the future and the
tentative reality of our lives. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow
Find the Gap
lives are full of gaps. There are things that don’t line up, places where
there’s a disconnect between who we are or who we want to be, and the way we
actually live from day to day. Some of these things are obvious and glaring.
Others are quite subtle. Before we can mind the gap we might need to take a
good look at our lives and find the gap.
know the Christian message is good news, but we rarely share it. We cherish our
families but we’re too often angry and irritable when we’re at home. We know
God can do more than we can ask or imagine, but we never pray. We believe
everything we have is a gift, but we cling to it as if we deserved or earned
it. We claim that God is in control, but still we lay awake at night with
abound. But so does grace.
a difference between minding the gap and mending the gap. Minding the gap is
what you do. Mending the gap is what God does by the power of his Spirit
graciously given to you. Maybe you mind the gap by finding the gap, and then
asking God to help you with it.
gaps do you need to mind today?
Only you, O God, can
truly make us whole and mend the broken places in our life. Make us mindful of
the ways in which our living and believing don’t line up. By your grace, help
us to live with integrity, doing what we hear, acting on the truths we know. We
ask this in Jesus’s name. Amen.