Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Best Christmas Gift

Today I received the most thoughtful gift given to me for Christmas. As I write this there are two men in my back yard armed with leaf blowers that they’ve strapped to their backs, gathering huge mounds of leaves and placing them on a trailer. Our yard is adorned with some massive trees, beautiful and generous with shade in the spring and summer, but brutal in the fall as they rain leaves onto the ground week after chilly week. Just before Thanksgiving I labored for several consecutive Saturdays in the front yard and managed to clear the ground and the driveway so that concrete and grass were actually visible. I never made it to the back yard and the weekend demands of December, plus some well timed and badly needed showers, kept me from raking the leaves. My dear wife Arranged for a landscape service to come and get the leaves from the back yard. They’re almost finished. Merry Christmas to me.

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