Monday, August 10, 2009

Back on the Porch at Watercolor

A good and generous friend has allowed us to use his beach house in Watercolor, Fla. We've enjoyed coming here for the past four years or so. This is my favorite part of the house. Once the sun has been up a while the porch is unbearably hot. But mornings are pleasant and coffee is especially good in one of those chairs.

This year on the porch I'm reading Robert Benson's The Echo Within: Finding Your True Calling.

Benson's basic premise is that when God created, God did so by speaking. What was true of sun and sky, land and sea, is also true of each of us. God spoke us into being. Vocation is discovered by listening for echos of that voice.

Of that voice, Benson writes:
We worry that we are just talking to ourselves. If it sounds like me, it cannot be God, we think. And so we are afraid to trust what we hear, afraid to trust that voice that has been within us all along. The fact that the voice that calls to us often sounds like our own is not something to be mistrusted or feared. It is a sign of how close God is to us (p. 17).

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